AkbarDelights.com Joins US-based GlassPW.com for Merger
The proposition had occurred a couple years earlier, but the timing couldn't be any better.
Juggernaut in the overseas alternative health market, AkbarDelights.com has now joined forces with the most powerful razz in Glass. Excited to announce to you that the Akbar Delights site now joins dozens of other tastemakers in the world to join the family here at Glass PW.
To help you embrace this partnership, we want to extend some of the best initial information you might want to see across what makes us unique in the eyes of Akbar Delights. To serve our new audience, below are some of the favorites that we want to provide you check out first.
Favorited Pages by Fans of AkbarDelights.com:
Here are some of the common favorites!
Best twisty glass blunt
Best glass blowing kit
Best glass one hitter
You know this list could go on forever, but we'll have to stop it somewhere!
You can also check out the Glass for Sale for the wide variety of different types of glass that you can now consider as our new visitor. Please feel free to contact us with any ideas or questions because we are happy to have you here.